
Name Job title Role
Eli Glickman Undergraduate Fellow
Ritika Goel Graduate Student Graduate Student Mentor, Graduate Student Affiliate
Bethany L. Goldblum Associate Research Engineer Faculty Affiliate
Krish Gopalan Undergraduate Student Past Fellow
Joe Greenbaum Graduate Student Graduate Student Affiliate
David Grewal Professor of Law Faculty Affiliate
Jack Guan Past Fellow
Emma Guard Undergraduate Fellow
Pranav Gupta Graduate Student Graduate Student Mentor
Johnathan Guy Graduate Student Graduate Student Mentor, Graduate Student Affiliate
Valerie Hammer Undergraudate Student Past Fellow
Ben Harper Undergraduate Student Past Fellow
Ali Hasan Undergraduate Student Past Fellow
Ron Hassner Professor Faculty Affiliate
Alyssa Heinze Simpson Fellow
Biz Herman Graduate Student Graduate Student Affiliate
Rebecca Herman Assistant Professor Board Member, Faculty Affiliate
Kim Giselle Hernandez Undergraduate Fellow
Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann Professor Faculty Affiliate
Chris Hoofnagle Professor of Law in Residence Faculty Affiliate