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Title Author Year Publication typesort ascending
Donald Kennedy: Science, Government, and the University Donald Kennedy 2007 Conversations with History
General Anthony Zinni: The Military's Role in a Changing World General Anthony Zinni 2001 Conversations with History
Howard Wolpe: The Role of Congress in Foreign Affairs Howard Wolpe 1982 Conversations with History
Jeff Hawkins: On Intelligence Jeff Hawkins 2012 Conversations with History
John Yoo: The Shaping of a Legal Response to 9/11 John Yoo 2008 Conversations with History
Paul Goldberger: Reflections on Architecture Criticism Paul Goldberger 2015 Conversations with History
Robert A. Pape: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism Robert A. Pape 2006 Conversations with History
Sebastian Mallaby: Hedge Funds and the World Economy Sebastian Mallaby 2010 Conversations with History
Steven W. Squyres: Roving Mars Steven W. Squyres 2011 Conversations with History
Tanya Luhrmann: Witches, Psychiatrists, and Evangelicals Tanya Luhrmann 2013 Conversations with History
William Cronon: The Life and Work of an Environmental Historian William Cronon 2013 Conversations with History
Lawrence Wright: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 Lawrence Wright 2006 Conversations with History
Mark Steyn: America, Europe, and the Islamic World Mark Steyn 2007 Conversations with History
Allan Gotlieb: A Canadian Diplomat Reflects on Canada's Relationship with the United States Allan Gotlieb 1989 Conversations with History
Charles M. Vest: Leading MIT into the 21st Century Charles M. Vest 2005 Conversations with History
Ellen O'Kane Tauscher: Reflections on a Career in Public Service Ellen O'Kane Tauscher 2013 Conversations with History
Gro Harlem Brundtland: Leadership Gro Harlem Brundtland 2014 Conversations with History
J. Clifford Wallace: Judges and the Rule of Law J. Clifford Wallace 2009 Conversations with History
Josef Joffe: Alliance Lost: The U.S. and Europe in a Unipolar World Josef Joffe 2003 Conversations with History
Niall Ferguson: The War of the World Niall Ferguson 2006 Conversations with History