William Cronon: The Life and Work of an Environmental Historian

The Life and Work of an Environmental Historian with William Cronon - Conversations with History

William Cronon, Frederick Jackson Turner and Vilas Research Professor of History, Geography and Environmental Studies University of Wisconsin, Madison.


Host Harry Kreisler welcomes William Cronon, Research Professor of History, Geography, and Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin, for a discussion of the challenges of historical scholarship. Reflecting on his formative experiences, Cronon, a former President of the American Historical Association, discusses the influence of his parents, his education, and the culture and environment of Wisconsin. He analyzes the essential features of a liberal arts education, the importance of storytelling in history, the implications of the digital revolution for research and teaching, and the contribution of environmental history to the environmental movement. He concludes with advice to students as they prepare for the future.

William Cronon
Publication date: 
April 8, 2013
Publication type: 
Conversations with History