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Title Author Year Publication type
Annabel Patterson: The Power of Words and the Power over Words Annabel Patterson 2008 Conversations with History
Pamela Constable: Afghanistan and Pakistan Pamela Constable 2008 Conversations with History
Lawrence Wilkerson: Vice President Cheney and America's Response to 9/11 Lawrence Wilkerson 2008 Conversations with History
James Gustave Speth: Capitalism, the Environment, and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability James Gustave Speth 2008 Conversations with History
Parag Khanna: Global Competition and the Rise of the Second World Parag Khanna 2008 Conversations with History
Allan J. Hamilton: A Surgeon's Journey Beyond Science Allan J. Hamilton 2008 Conversations with History
Michael Scheuer: America and Islam After Iraq Michael Scheuer 2008 Conversations with History
John Philip Abizaid: The Military in the Post 911 World John Philip Abizaid 2008 Conversations with History
Samantha Power: Chasing the Flame Samantha Power 2008 Conversations with History
Kishore Mahbubani: The Rise of Asia and the Decline of the West Kishore Mahbubani 2008 Conversations with History
Stephen Holmes: America's Reckless Response To Terror Stephen Holmes 2008 Conversations with History
Anders Aslund: Why Market Reform Succeeded and Democracy Failed in Russia Anders Aslund 2008 Conversations with History
Antonio M. Taguba: Investigating Military Conduct at Abu Ghraib Antonio M. Taguba 2008 Conversations with History
Steven A. Cook: The Implications of Military Rule for Democratization in the Middle East Steven A. Cook 2008 Conversations with History
John Yoo: The Shaping of a Legal Response to 9/11 John Yoo 2008 Conversations with History
Frederick S. Wyle: National Security and the Rule of Law Frederick S. Wyle 2007 Conversations with History
Trita Parsi: Iran, Israel, and the United States Trita Parsi 2007 Conversations with History
Michael A. Levi: Nuclear Terrorism Michael A. Levi 2007 Conversations with History
Stephen D. Biddle: Strategy and the Iraq War Stephen D. Biddle 2007 Conversations with History
Amy Chua: The Moment of Empire Amy Chua 2007 Conversations with History