
Michael Spence: The Future of Economic Growth in a Multispeed World

Michael Spence

Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes Nobel Laureate Michael Spence for a discussion of his new book, The Next Convergence. Professor Spence discusses his intellectual odyssey focusing on his Nobel Prize research on information and market structure. He then explains how his work as Chairman of the Commission on Growth and Development led him to write his new book. Tracing the impact of the internet, globalization, and domestic and international policy on the trajectory of economic growth in the emerging economies, he highlights the implications of the resulting high speed...

Mark Danner: Truth, Power, and the Iraq Debacle

Mark Danner

Conversations Host Harry Kreisler welcomes writer Mark Danner for a discussion of the Iraq War and foreign policy in the Bush administration. Informed by history, Danner's analysis includes comparison of Bush and Reagan, draws attention to change in U.S. policy on torture, and examines the options for future U.S. policymakers.

KEYWORDS: Iraq, Torture.

Mark Danner: Ideas and Leadership in U.S. Foreign Policy

Mark Danner

Mark Danner interviewed by Conversations host Harry Kreisler, in a discussion of ideas in foreign policy.

Yegor Gaidar: Guiding the Transformation of the Russian Economy

Yegor Gaidar

Former Deputy Prime Yegor Gaidar talks with UC Berkeley's Harry Kreisler about the transformation of the Russian economy after the fall of communism.

KEYWORDS: Russia, Politics, Capitalism, Berkeley Graduate Lecturers, Markets.

William K. Coblentz: What Made California Great

William K. Coblentz

Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes attorney and civic leader William K. Coblentz for a discussion of his distinguished career. Coblentz defines the liberal values that guide his legal practice and his civic leadership. He recalls his formative years, his legal representation of important rock 'n roll figures, his work with Governor Pat Brown, his service on the University of Calfornia Board of Regents, and his work in the philanthropic sector. He compares the leadership of Governors Pat Brown and Ronald Reagan and analyzes the rise and decline of California. He concludes with...

Thomas E. Ricks: The Military and the Iraq War

Thomas E. Ricks

Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes Thomas Ricks for a discussion of his work as a writer and journalist. Reflecting on his career, Ricks discusses his two books on the Iraq War, Fiasco and The Gamble, offering an analysis of the failures of the first years of the war and the changes in strategy engineered by Generals Odierno and Petraeus. Reviewing the conduct of the Iraq War, Ricks analyzes the weaknesses and strengths of America's political and military leaders, the long term consequences of the conflict for the military, the unanwered questions about the future of Iraq,...

Ronald V. Dellums: Legislating for the People

Ronald V. Dellums

Welcome to a Conversation with History. I'm Harry Kreisler of the Institute of International Studies. Our distinguished guest is the honorable Ronald V. Dellums. For more than twenty-seven years Ron Dellums was a congressman from California's Ninth Congressional District. In representing his district, Congressman Dellums not only brought to Washington the spirit and ideas of the sixties movements, but at the same time earned the admiration and respect of his Washington colleagues. Perceived upon his arrival as a gadfly, an outsider from "Berzerkeley," he left the Congress after serving as...

Robert M. Berdahl: Leading Berkeley into the 21st Century

Robert M. Berdahl

Chancelor Berdahl discusses his work as a historian and the challenges facing the Berkeley campus

http://globetrotter.berkeley.edu/people/Berdahl/berdahl-con0.html(link is external)

Key Words: Historians, University Presidents, University of California, Leadership, Higher Education, Berkeley Faculty

Robert Gallucci: The Challenges of Philanthropic Leadership

Robert Gallucci

Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes the President of the MacArthur Foundation Robert Gallucci for a discussion of the work of the Foundation and his role as President. The conversations then turns to the foundation's recent initiative on nuclear threats exploring its emphasis on the twin challenges of proliferation and terrorism.

Key Words: Environment, Leadership, Nuclear Proliferation, Philanthropy

Ralph J. Cicerone: Science, Climate Change, and Leadership

Ralph J. Cicerone

Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes Ralph J. Cicerone, President of the National Academy of Sciences for a discussion of the challenges facing the scientific community. Dr. Cicerone describes his research interests and explains the qualities of a scientist and what makes science a unique enterprise. He also focuses on leadership in science discussing his work at UC Irvine to establish a department of geosciences and his goals as President of the National Academy of Science and Chair of the National Research Council. He reflects on his work on,“Climate Change Science: An Analysis on...