
Michael R. Gordon: The Invasion and Occupation of Iraq

Michael R. Gordon

Host Harry Kreisler welcomes Michael Gordon, Chief Pentagon Correspondent for The New York Times, for a discussion of his new book Cobra II, co written with General Bernard E. Trainor. In the interview, Kreisler and Gordon discuss the origins of the war plan, the key decision makers the intelligence failure before and during the war, the insurgency, Saddam's war plan, and the implications of the war for the American military.


Michael Pollan: The Politics of Food

Michael Pollan

Host Harry Kreisler welcomes writer Michael Pollan for a discussion of the agricultural industrial complex that dominates consumer choices about what to eat. He explores the origins, evolution and consequences of this system for the nation's health and environment. He highlights the role of science, journalism, and politics in the development of a diet that emphasizes nutrition over food. Pollan also sketches a reform agenda and speculates on how a movement might change America's eating habits. He also talks about science writing, the rewards of gardening, and how students might...

Michael Kinsley: Journalism in the Digital Age

Michael Kinsley

Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes Washington Post columnist Michael Kinsley for a discussion of how technology and markets are transforming journalism. Kinsley reflects on his career in journalism including his role as the founding editor of Slate and his recent job as editor of the LA Times editorial pages.

KEYWORDS: Technology.

Martin Wolf: Causes and Consequences of the Global Economic Collapse

Martin Wolf

Host Harry Kreisler welcomes Martin Wolf of the Financial Times to discuss the economic crisis, including its global origins focusing on the interplay between surplus countries such as China and debtor countries such as the United States. Wolf evaluates the response of America's political and financial leaders, defines a course of action for the Obama administration, and offers a formula for the revitalization of global economic institutions such as the International Monetary Fund. He also speculates on the future of capitalism and assesses the role of politics in preventing the...

Martin Smith: Documentary Filmmaking

Martin Smith

Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes documentary filmmaker Martin Smith for a discussion of his work.

KEYWORDS: Documentaries, Public Broadcasting, Public Television.

Mark Steyn: America, Europe, and the Islamic World

Mark Steyn

Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes writer/critic Mark Steyn, the 2007 Nimitz Lecturer at Berkeley. Focusing on his new book, "America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It," they discuss Europe and America's relations with the Islamic world. In the interview, their conversation also focuses on the craft of writing in a multi media globalized world.

KEYWORDS: Nimitz Lecturers.

Mark Danner: Truth, Power, and the Iraq Debacle

Mark Danner

Conversations Host Harry Kreisler welcomes writer Mark Danner for a discussion of the Iraq War and foreign policy in the Bush administration. Informed by history, Danner's analysis includes comparison of Bush and Reagan, draws attention to change in U.S. policy on torture, and examines the options for future U.S. policymakers.

KEYWORDS: Iraq, Torture.

Lowell Bergman: A Long March Through the Institution of Television Journalism

Lowell Bergman

In this edition, broadcast journalist and UC Berkeley faculty member Lowell Bergman talks about his intellectual journey, investigative reporting and his years as a producer at 60 Minutes.

KEYWORDS: Television News, Documentaries, Public Televisin, Public Broadcasting

Lindsey Hilsum: Libya in the Time of Revolution

Lindsey Hilsum

Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes war correspondent Lindsey Hilsum for a discussion of her new book Sandstorm, an account of the revolution in Libya that toppled the dictator Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Hilsum discusses Gaddafi's 40 year reign of terror and his role as an international actor. She then traces the factors that led to his fall emphasizing Libyan nationalism, the Arab spring, and the intervention of external powers. Hilsum also analyzes the role of journalists in the continuing worldwide struggle for human dignity. She concludes with a discussion of what she...

Linda Greenhouse: Reflections on the Supreme Court

Linda Greenhouse

Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes former New York Times reporter Linda Greenhouse. They discuss Roe v.Wade, the Guantanamo decisions, and her biography of Justice Harry Blackmun. Reflecting on her thirty year career covering the Supreme Court, she analyzes the internal dynamics of the Court and reflects on the Supreme Court's relations with other branches of government.

Key Words: Supreme Court, Civil Rights, Civil Liberties