Faculty Affiliate

Laurel Fletcher


Laurel Fletcher is Clinical Professor of Law at the University of California, Berkeley, where she directs the International Human Rights Law Clinic and co-directs The Miller Institute for Global Challenges and the Law. She studies human rights, humanitarian law, international criminal justice, and transitional justice.

Stavros Gadinis


Stavros Gadinis is a Professor of Law at the University of California, Berkeley. He studies questions in financial regulation and international business transactions, with a focus on the relationship between the financial industry and government regulators.

Sean Gailmard

Political Science

Sean Gailmard is a professor of political science at UC Berkeley. He studies institutional development from a strategic perspective. His recent research focuses on historical political economy, particularly strategic dilemmas of governance in early modern empires.

Bethany L. Goldblum

Associate Professor

Bethany L. Goldblum is an Associate Professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering and the executive director of the Nuclear Science & Security Consortium at the University of California, Berkeley. She is also a staff scientist in the Nuclear Science Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Goldblum studies fundamental and applied nuclear physics, proliferation detection, and nuclear weapons policy.

David Grewal

Professor of Law
Jurisprudence and Social Policy, Berkeley Law School

David Singh Grewal is Professor of Law at Berkeley Law School and a member of the Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program. His first book, Network Power: The Social Dynamics of Globalization (Yale, 2008) offered an analysis of globalization. He teaches and writes on international law, including international economic law and international legal theory, among other topics.

Ron Hassner

Political Science

Ron Hassner is the Chancellor's Professor of Political Science and Helen Diller Family Chair in Israel Studies at the University of California Berkeley. He is also the faculty director of the Berkeley Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies and is the editor of the Cornell University Press book series “Religion and Conflict.” Prof. Hassner studies the role of ideas, practices, and symbols in international security with particular attention to the relationship between religion and violence.

Rebecca Herman

Assistant Professor

Rebecca Herman is an Assistant Professor of History at the University of California, Berkeley. She has received grants and fellowships from the Social Science Research Council, the Mellon Foundation, the Smithsonian Institution, and the Council on Library and Information Resources. Prof. Herman studies modern Latin America, along with U.S.-Latin American relations, environmental and international history.

Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann


Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann is a Professor of History at the University of California, Berkeley. An historian of German, European and International History from the late 18th century to the present, he also has an ongoing interest in the history of human rights.

Chris Hoofnagle

Professor of Law in Residence

Chris Jay Hoofnagle helps students from different disciplines understand the interplay of law and technology. He is the author of Law and Policy for the Quantum Age (with Simson Garfinkel, Cambridge University Press, 2022). An elected member of the American Law Institute, Hoofnagle is of counsel to Gunderson Dettmer LLP.

Susan Hyde

Political Science
Center on the Politics of Development

Susan D. Hyde is the Robson Professor of Political Science at University of California, Berkeley, where she was Chair of the Department of Political Science (AY 2021-2024) and is co-director of the Institute of International Studies (2021- ). She studies international...