Egypt: Five Years Later

Event Series: 

Friday, March 4, 2016 - 4:00pm-6:30pm (ended)

100 Boalt Hall, Berkeley School of Law 


The Egyptian Uprising of January 2011 was a bold moment in Egyptian history and its initial success led many to label that moment an "Arab Spring". Many things that followed did not go as imagined or planned. The election of an Islamist president, the issuing of several irregular presidential decrees, the deteriorating security situation in Sinai and the country, the intervention of the military, and finally his overthrow in another popular uprising were a few of the major events in Egypt in the immediate years that followed the first uprising, The speakers in this panel, all academics who are also public intellectuals, will provide an assessment of the current situation in Egypt following the second uprising of 2013 and the repercussions  of current regime's policies and the general conditions in Egypt today.