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Title Author Year Publication typesort ascending
Roya Hakakian: Identity, Freedom, and Revolution Roya Hakakian 2009 Conversations with History
Stephen D. Krasner: Sovereignty Stephen D. Krasner 2003 Conversations with History
Karin Sveen: Peder Sather and the University of California Karin Sveen 2015 Conversations with History
Vicente Fox: Revolution of Hope Vicente Fox 2013 Conversations with History
Lakhdar Brahimi: Negotiating Lakhdar Brahimi 2005 Conversations with History
M. Ibrahim Turhan: Islam and Capitalism M. Ibrahim Turhan 2014 Conversations with History
Michael Spence: The Future of Economic Growth in a Multispeed World Michael Spence 2011 Conversations with History
Allan J. Hamilton: A Surgeon's Journey Beyond Science Allan J. Hamilton 2008 Conversations with History
Charles McCurdy: History, Politics, and Law Charles McCurdy 2014 Conversations with History
Douglas A. Fraser: The Labor Movement, Protectionism, and the International Economy Douglas A. Fraser 1985 Conversations with History
General James Cartwright: National Security in the 21st Century General James Cartwright 2012 Conversations with History
Howard Zinn: Radical History Howard Zinn 2001 Conversations with History
Jennifer Granholm: Leadership and Change Jennifer Granholm 2018 Conversations with History
Neil J. Smelser: Reflections on the University of California: From the Free Speech Movement to the Global University. Neil J. Smelser 2010 Conversations with History
Paul Pierson: The Transformation of American Politics Paul Pierson 2005 Conversations with History
Robert A. Scalapino: Reflections on a Life as Scholar, Teacher, and Policy Advisor Robert A. Scalapino 2008 Conversations with History
Seyla Benhabib: Philosophic Iterations, Cosmopolitanism, and the 'Right to Rights' Seyla Benhabib 2004 Conversations with History
Steven Weber: Power in the Information Age Steven Weber 2003 Conversations with History
Tariq Ali: Islam, Empire, and the Left Tariq Ali 2003 Conversations with History
William Haglund: Voices from the Grave William Haglund 2000 Conversations with History